Coca-Cola Bluetooth Caps
How do you reinvigorate 22 million MyCokeRewards customers who hate typing cap codes? You remove the work and make rewards even more personal. Before our solution, the code under Coca-Cola caps was the best way for Coke to reward purchase, but it was far from the best customer experience. So we created a cap with a low-energy bluetooth chip that would automatically load MyCokeRewards points to your app every time you open a bottle. This breaks open the potential for rewards to be served up immediately and personalized to the individual's preferences and location. HOW IT WORKS? - a tiny chip with a button is placed under the wax in the cap - when the bottle is carbonated, the pressure pushes a buton on the chip - when the bottle is opened, the pressure releases the button - the chip then sends out a burst of bluetooth energy to your phone letting it know that you've earned a reward. - the phone then pings a server, which choose a real-time reward based on your preferences, location and total points. TASTE THE FEELING!